My day usually starts the same way every morning. I grab my phone. Like most of you right but I don’t open a news feed or the “fake news” feed. No no no. My app of choice first thing in the morning. Weather Bug! That’s right the weather is what’s most important to look at through my squinty, foggy just woke up eyes. As a power washer the weather will effect every aspect of my day. As I write this it’s a whopping 6 degrees fahrenheit. Which as far as effecting my day goes I get to hang out with the family today. I get the question a lot “do you work when it’s cold?”. Well the answer to that is yes. I work a lot when it’s cold. Just not when it’s too cold. It’s actually pretty simple. Too cold is 32 degrees. 32 degrees is very important to a power washer. 32 degrees is that fine line where to work or not to work is decided. Believe me I’ve tested science, more than once actually. With a varying set of variables I’ve performed many a experiment. 32 degrees in the shade. 32 degrees in the sun. 32 degrees with cold water. 32 degrees with hot water. 32 degrees with no wind. 32 degrees with gusting hurricane force winds. All with a range of results. After calculating all of the evidence I’ve come to one conclusion. Don’t use water at 32 degrees unless you want ice! I’ve found it kind of cool to power wash something and watch the ice crystals start to form. Customers who want a clean safe walkway they don’t find it that cool. So in Laymans terms. 32 degrees no work.